Open Parachute


Home Education Wellbeing Lessons

This resource will provide you with tools to support your children’s mental health.

These online lessons are for children aged 5-18, and showcase documentary videos of real youth sharing stories of overcoming challenges.

These videos are followed by exercises to help you generate discussions with your children about wellbeing, resilience, and your own family values.

Online video-based content to help you discuss mental health with your children

Benefits for your Family:

  • Help your children build resilience
  • Boost your children’s self-esteem
  • Give your children skills to overcome challenges

Topics Include:

  • Worries, Anxiety & Resilience
  • Frustration, Motivation, and Growth Mindset
  • Friendship Challenges
  • My family has found great benefit from the Open Parachute resources. The material is laid out clearly and parents can create the pathway that they believe will work best for their child. The computer is handed off and the child works through the videos either with me sitting there, or on their own and we talk about it later. It has been a real blessing for our teenager suffering with anxiety... we're having really valuable conversations as a result of her now feeling she isn't alone and that there are some answers for her. Looking forward to utilizing the program more in the year ahead.

    – WISDOM mom

You are in the driver’s seat! You determine which lessons your children access.

* We respect your privacy, we do not track or store your family’s data!